I really, really can't shut up about The Diving Bell and the Butterfly.
Seeing just the tiny snippets of it onscreen made me almost melt. I despise that this cinematic masterpiece (it truly is) left the Academy Awards with nothing! Julian Schnabel might be a bit of a narcissist, but I can't believe it wasn't even nominated for Best Picture. I saw Atonement and Diving Bell was easily ten times better (Atonement tried to make me cry, while Diving Bell perhaps accidentally had me shaking at the beautiful credits).
I'm just glad it exists in the first place.
What an amazing... ugh, I don't even know. A film that resonated in my head for days and days after I saw it.
Those reading: don't ignore the fact that it won no categories. You really, really need to go see this movie. It will probably change your life, and certainly make you laugh, not to mention cry.
The Academy makes mistakes sometimes.
This is certainly no exception.
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Dear Academy, Why forget The Diving Bell and the Butterfly?
Posted by
Lolita Hazed
11:06 PM
Labels: Julian Schnabel, The Diving Bell and the Butterfly, The Oscars
Boredom Combat: Ian Fleming's James Bond Series
Living in a fairly small town is hard work. Boredom comes very easily for anyone (ask them, they'll see), and having fun things to do is hard to come up with.
That's why I'm here-- having to wonder all the time is quite challenging, not to mention strenous. I'll find something fun, and post it so you can try for yourself. You might enjoy it, you might not-- if you didn't, at least you killed time!
Just a few days ago, I was at the library, getting books for term paper sources. I decided to have fun in the fiction section and stumbled upon something I always knew existed, but never took the time to delve into-- a copy of the first James Bond novel by Ian Fleming, Casino Royale, in a very sexy pulp design*. I borrowed it, unspeakably eager to read it.
Needless to say, I devoured that shit.
I can't believe I'd never tried these before! Anyone who hasn't really should try it. It kills so much time that it happens to kill time you probably should've used doing something else. So much fun, I highly recommend it!
But TAKE NOTE: in order to read these, one must have an open mind. Fleming is notorious for his sexism and racism, especially in what I'm reading now, the stereotype-latent Live and Let Die (not to mention You Only Live Twice). Don't take it too seriously, have fun with it-- that's what they're made for!
*The 007 series published in pulpy covers are very praiseworthy and I've found really, really fit in with the book. These covers, designed by Richie Fahey, are so much fun to look at, which you can right here.
Posted by
Lolita Hazed
3:21 PM
Labels: boredom combat, Ian Fleming, James Bond
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
OMG. Finally.
So Riskay (best name ever)'s future-summer-jam "Smell Yo Dick" is FINALLY on iTunes! Rejoice!
It's been blogged just about everywhere, but...
For those of you who have not yet heard the sheer bliss of "Smell Yo Dick", oh, just prepare yourself. It paints an accurate portrayal of a woman's agony of her significant other's conspiciously frequent tardiness... in which dick must be smelled in the end.
God damn. Speak for the ladies. Get down there. Sniff hard.
Posted by
Lolita Hazed
12:05 AM
Labels: Riskay, Smell Yo Dick
Thursday, February 14, 2008
My faith in Kanye West is reassured.
I'd been worried about Kanye West for awhile. He'd really been losing his touch, becoming too insecure, having to reassure the public that he is, in fact, black (see the Spin with him and Daft Punk on the cover)... but it looks like Kanye's got his groove back.
The following video, "Flashing Lights", has received a lot of criticism from some fans because it's so different from anything he has done (meaning it took balls to take this step), but watch it and you'll see why this shows a lot, a lot of promise.
I used to like Kanye all right.
Now, I love him.
Mind-blowingly brill. Keep it up, Kanye.
Happy Valentine's Day!
(I know, what a way of preceding it, right?)
Posted by
Lolita Hazed
9:16 PM
Labels: genius, Kanye West
Saturday, February 9, 2008
Get fucking excited.
N.A.S.A. is on board! Make way!
Posted by
Lolita Hazed
12:02 PM
Labels: Amanda Blank, David Byrne, E-40, George Clinton, John Frusciante, M.I.A., Method Man, N.A.S.A., Santogold, Spank Rock