I think we can all agree it's been awhile since we've seen Uffie. Like, REALLY seen her. I was totally thinking she was dead or something (not really)-- but the new issue of Status is enough to prove otherwise!She's looking fly, and working hard on the album that has taken FOREVER to come out. And, um, SHE'S MARRIED. APPARENTLY. WHAT. Uff's also looking to get a fashion collab so keep on the lookout, seeing as HOW HOT would that be?
In other news, I've not seen one person in the press notice that "Pop the Glock" is basically one big sample of "Top Billin'". Not one. Shame.
Read the article and more here.
MY UFFIE! YOU FOUND HER!!! Thank god, I was really worried that she had disappeared into some Ed Banger black hole never to be seen again. Gah I need this mag so so bad. Oh Uffie, no matter how shitty you may be, I will always love you. Always.
The Uffster's back! I really missed her. Yesterday I put on "Pop the Glock" in memoriam. So bad. So good. Did she marry Feadz? Is she living in Miami or Paris? So many questions...so little Uffie!
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